Steps to come Study, Work or Do Business in Singapore 来新加坡学习,工作或经商的步骤 1) Test Eligibility 试考资格 Click on link below for 点击以下网址: Free Online Assessment 免费在线评估 2) Procedures 申请程序 Our Consultants will advice you on the timeline of application and towards getting approval.我们的顾问会提供为您量身定做的申请时间表和顺利在最短时间获得申请批准的建议。 3) Preparations 申请预备 Going through with you the most urgent documents to start the application process.与您一起处理最需要的文件以开始申请流程。 4) Engagement 安排 Licensed By The Singapore Government Agents to do the official applications and get the official approvals for you.由新加坡政府批准的中介替你提交并进行正式申请。